Out with the Outcomes

Why worry about the outcome? When your concentration is focused on the outcome, you lose sight of the process. Many individuals focus on the outcomes, like the final test results of an exam, not knowing if they are going to accepted to the school of their dreams, getting anxious about a job, post-interview. Trust yourself and trust the process. If you notice, the "process" is in the present moment. When you allow yourself to get distracted, the outcome becomes a part of your future thinking. As such, why perseverate over the future? The future is not now. You cannot truly embrace the process of reaching for your goals if you are purely outcome driven. So let me ask. Are you any less than capable if you study intently, with purpose and still do not pass that exam? Are you worthless if the school of your dreams decided not to accept you? What if that dream job you wanted, selected someone else? The reality is, sometimes you have no control over the outcome. However, most times, we do have connection to and experience with the process. If you want to establish or re-establish a relationship, become a writer or simply find peace in your life, spend less time thinking about what the outcome will look like. The outcome will be what it will be. It is in the process, where the true value of it all, resides.