Detach yourself/Attach yourself

Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships. Detach yourself from unhealthy thoughts. Detach yourself from fear and jealousy. Detach yourself from bad eating habits. Detach yourself from unrighteous anger. Detach yourself from things that you have no control over. Detach yourself from negative energies. Detach your from the ideas and perceptions that other's may have of you. Detach yourself from your own unrealistic expectations. 

Attach yourself to love, self-love and love for others. Attach yourself to a renewed sense of peace and freedom of mind and thought. Attach yourself to your purpose. Attach yourself to healthy relationships. Attach yourself to the idea of exercise and treating your body like a sacred vessel. Attach yourself to nature. Attach yourself to silence and the sound of an empty room. Lastly, and most importantly, attach yourself to nothing!