Set the intentions of the day...

What is your game plan for today? Are you working through a difficult situation? Are you feeling stuck, uncertain, frustrated? Do you feel tired, uninspired and/or bored with your current circumstances? If so, you may need to take some inventory of where you are. You have to allow yourself to ask "what's going on with me?" Taking some time each morning to do some self inventory can be truly helpful in understanding and evaluating the many emotions and feelings that you may be experiencing. Setting the intention of your day creates an outline of things to get accomplished. Whether it is to take yourself for a walk, meditate, pray, make the difficult phone call, create a healthy boundary, ask for help, take a break, read a book, attend a conference, do community service, you allow yourself to have clear goals that can assist you in feeling more fulfilled in your day. Give yourself the opportunity and leave a comment... What worked? What are the challenges? Go. Be intentional....