An excerpt of "The Age of Miracles" by Marianne Williamson

"Wherever you've been, and whatever you've done so far, your entire life was building up to this moment. Now is the time to burst forth into your greatness- a greatness you could never have achieved without going through exactly the things you've gone through. Everything you've experienced was grist for the mill by which you have become who you are. As low as you might have descended, in God there are no limits to how high you can go now. It is not too late. You are not too old. You are right on time. And you are better than you know." ~The Long and Winding Road from the The Age of Miracles

The certainty of uncertainty...

In my work as a counselor, executive/personal coach and consultant, many of my clients express that they would feel less anxious about the events of their lives and businesses if they were certain of particular outcomes. By knowing the outcomes, without going through the process, disengages us from reality. That is to say, in order to get to the outcomes one desires, one must also learn how to work through the anxiety of the unknown. There is no way to skip that process. Life is about the journey of not knowing what the outcome will be. It takes determination and courage to embrace vulnerability and discomfort. I tell my clients that there is one certainty that I am certain of, uncertainty. When they realize how awesome it is for them to make decisions, despite their fears of uncertainty, they step into the arena of the bold and decisive. They develop an increasing confidence in choosing to make choices with purpose and power. They embrace the process, focus on the process and go through the process. That is the way to go.

You are...

You are good enough. You are worthy. You are prepared for this moment. You are destined to have your heart's desires. You are perfect as you are. You are wonderful. You are able to get through tough times. You are going to give yourself permission to live boldly. You are here. 

Embrace the discomfort

Life will present challenges. Some things in your life may not turn out the way you plan it. Some moments will be uncomfortable. Whatever your circumstances, don't give in and don't give up. As hard as it may be to understand and even accept, those moments of discomfort are necessary for your growth. Don't run from the pain. Embrace it. You are more courageous than you may realize. 

Quote of the day~Thich Nhat Hahn


"Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones." ~Thich Nhat Hahn


Quote of the day~Pema Chondron

"To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to always be in no-man's land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. To live is to be willing to die over and over again."~ Pema Chondron  

Persist daily...

Each day you will be confronted with a situation that will test your will, courage and patience. You may have thoughts of giving up. Self doubt may lead you to believe that you aren't worthy to see something different in your life. Persist. It will be a battle but you can't give up or give in. Each day, remind yourself of your ability to fight through your obstacles. Persist. Persist. Persist! 

True Vision: Not having sight to see

To have true vision requires us to not to rely on the functions of the eyes, but to trust the direction of our hearts. Having sight through our eyes allows us to only see what's in front of us. Vision allows us to see sights/sites even if they aren't directly in front of us. It is imagination. It is faith. It is a process of looking beyond our circumstances. It is perceptual. It is observation. It is profoundly necessary to have a vision for you life. 

Take Bold and Unreasonable Action

Today, be bold. Take some unreasonable action concerning a project or endeavor that you have been holding back on. Unreasonable action is calling a contact despite your fear of rejection. Being bold involves asking for what you want and believing you deserve to have it. Don't wait another minute! Get to work. You no longer have to defer your dreams! The time is ripe, in this moment, to do it!!

Being misunderstood...

There will come a time where you will be misunderstood. People will make assumptions about you. Your kindness may be mistaken for weakness. Remain steadfast in your ability to stand in your truth. You know who you are. Let there be no misunderstanding about that. 

One of one...

You are the only you! You are one of one. There is no other you on this planet. You are supremely rare and incomparable! Live your life. Protect your smile. Believe and know that your are a gift given to the world!

On time...

We have heard many references about time. "Time is of the essence." "Time waits for no one." Indeed. Time is the only commodity that we can't get back. We cannot go back in time to undo, retrieve or change the past. Time is located in this moment. As such, value your time. Time is precious. Don't allow people to steal your time. Oh yes! People can steal your time by engaging you in conversations that have no meaning or value to your life. They will waste your time with gossip and trivial banter. Be intentional with how you use your time. Be selective with whom you share your time. Your time is yours. Enjoy it. Love it. Embrace it. Cherish this moment, in time...

Give yourself permission...

Give yourself permission to make critical decisions for yourself. Give yourself to create the life that you want to live. Give yourself permission to take risks. Give yourself permission to heal from broken or strained relstuonships. Give yourself permission to laugh. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Give yourself permission to love, to care, to have compassion. Give yourself permission to fight through the doubt, the fear and disappointment. Give yourself permission to embrace this moment. Give yourself permission to dream. Give yourself permission to create a better world. Give yourself permission to be authentically, YOU! Don't wait for someone else to give you permission to BE...